Savor the Moment, Photograph Later

As a photographer, I sometimes find my camera taking over an experience that shouldn't be photographed, but rather simply enjoyed. This feat is hard to do when you've been taught to carry your camera around at all times, as if it were an extra appendage. To fight against this little machine's grip, I try to exclude things like sunsets, mountaintop views, and waves from my photographic repertoire. There are of course always exceptions to this ill defined rule, but for the most part, some things are just better enjoyed as is and don't evoke the same emotional response when captured in photos anyways.

Today I came across the work of Jeff & Sabrina Williams who used this idea to inspire a body of work titled "American Dream". To read more about what they had to say in Kim Castleberry's "Digital Photo" article and interview click here.

I also wanted to mention that this idea of keeping moments just for your mind's eye was first introduced to me when I read Deborah Copaken Kogan's book Shutterbabe: Adventures in Love and War when I was in high school. A good read indeed for anyone interested in understanding the issues involved with being a photojournalist.
