Little Squirrels

Yesterday I traveled over to Gray, Maine to begin a new photography project. There I met with Caryl Widdowson of Safe & Sound Wildlife Rehabilitation. Caryl has been rehabilitating and devoting her time and compassion to animals for a lifetime. She kindly greeted me at noon and showed me to the first group of baby gray squirrels. For the next hour and a half she showed me the animals currently under her care, and we talked about the strangeness surrounding the human decision to either nurture or harm.

In life there are few things that are black and white. For the most part things, particularly the act of making a decision, fall somewhere in between. However, Caryl and I both agreed that this decision may come from that internal primal place of yes or no. That gut feeling that leaves you without doubt or question and that comes to you instantly.

Caryl told me a story about a large burly man who came across her lawn with a small box several years ago. She wasn't sure what it was that he wanted until he opened the box and told her that he hoped she could help "them". The box was filled with a litter of baby flying squirrels. He explained that he was a line worker for CMP, and that day him and his team came across the displaced babies. While the instinct of his coworkers was to go at them with their chainsaws, his was to collect them and bring them to a person who could save them. As the story goes, this man even disassembled all of the chainsaws to ensure the safety of these little squirrels.

I personally identify with the line worker who brought the squirrels to Caryl, but I'm interested in why I do. The squirrels are not my kind, nor do they provide me with anything useful, so why is it that I, and so many others, feel a strong need to protect such animals? Perhaps this compassion is advantageous, but in a less obvious manner.

I'm not yet sure where this project will take me, but I'm glad to be off to a good start. Caryl was even so helpful as to call up the director at the Maine Wildlife Park and introduce me, so I plan to get over there next. I'll also be going back to revisit the little flying squirrel (above) to capture some photos when his eyes open in 2 weeks, so stay tuned!
